
Elena Cologni Studio is a way to allow you into my creative context, and therefore it can be multidirectional, confusing and maybe not always with a clear purpose….

I like to call my way of working research art or research as art practice, but a lot of what seems academic, is in fact multidisciplinary and transversal, and used to make art.

Bio. Elena Cologni studied at Accademia di Belle Arti in Milan, Università Statale, Milan; Bretton Hall College, Leeds University and has a PhD in Fine Art from Central Saint Martins College, London (CSM). Her work is mainly live, installation, performance and 2d/3D manifestations of the process, grounded in conceptual art, with a strong research element.  In recent projects the inclusion of audiences in the making is paramount, and this is achieved for example in one to one dialogues, as well as using psychological strategies in video making/showing/projecting.  In particular, in the Mnemonic Present, Un-Folding series of 2005-2006 (from a postdoctoral project at CSM awarded with an Arts and Humanities Research Council grant), the use of ‘live-recording’ and ‘prerecording’ has opened up questions on the involvement of the audience through perception. Since 2006, when Research Fellow at York Saint John University) she is working on issues of memory on participatory works developed in Experiential (funded by Arts Council of England among others), interrogating on the nature of memory, the archive, remoteness, heritage, personal histories…(including Re-Moved Gi08, Centre for Contemporary Arts Glasgow, Apnea, Museum of Manchester,  2008, Geomemos, Yorkshire Sculpture Park 2009). She has been artist in residence at the University of Cambridge, Faculty of Experimental Psychology (2011/13), and her project RockFluid was awarded the Grant of the Arts, Arts Council of England, Escalator programme, in collaboration with Colchester Arts Centre (Escalator Live Art program)and Wysing Arts Centre  (Escalator Visual Arts Retreat curator Gareth Bell-Jones). Rockfluid’s impact was also through a pilot Cologni was asked to devise for the NHS Foundation Trust in schools in the Cambridge region. It was recently awarded anotherGrant for the Arts to research the history of the social impact of the only building by Walter Gropius in theUK, Impington Village College, in partnership with the East Film Collection, Cambridge Central Library,RIBA London, The Gropius archives, Berlin



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